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16 Personalities and What I Wish I Knew Before

About five years ago I found myself in a predicament. I had no idea who I was. This is no strange tale of amnesia but instead of one trying to find their-self in who they are as a person. I like to think that these days I know myself very well; I know what I want in my life, and how to best handle my situations as they come at me. But it took a long time to figure that out and to be honest, I wish I had taken this simple personality test to help me jump start my journey. So today I want to encourage you to take this 16 personality test in an effort to discover more about yourself if you feel that the person you need to know more is the one that stares back in the mirror.

I’ll start off with a bit of my testimony from about 5 years ago. I was 18 and I was in a long term relationship at the time, starting from my sophomore year of high school. Starting a relationship at a young age like that, unfortunately, put me in a situation where I grew up into adulthood in the shadow of the person I was with. For a while I didn’t feel like I was “Morgan”, instead, I was “this guy’s girlfriend”. I felt invisible, unknown, and for a while, I just lived in his shadow where his dreams were mine simply because I was his girlfriend and that’s how it had to be. Then high school ended and I was hit with the reality that I didn’t know much about myself. I had the tendency to like what others liked just so they liked me, even if it wasn’t a true passion of mine. Years of that led me to feel empty, and I wasn’t too sure who I was looking at in the mirror every day. I hated what I saw. As I was trying to rediscover myself, I made some tough decisions that have led me to where I am today, and while I don’t regret a thing, I wish I had a little help or guidance.

I believe we always discover new things about ourselves, but early on in that journey it’s helpful to know what kind of personality we have so that we can figure out how to handle our situations. I highly recommend taking this specific personality test called 16 Personalities. It is a quick and easy test to take but honestly, it got my personality spot on and provided a lot of insight into how to handle myself (thanks Ben for recommending it to begin with!).

Everyone will get a personality type when they are finished with the test, and they will be 1 of 16 different personalities. My test resulted in me getting the Advocate Personality (INFJ-A/INFJ-T) and as a quick description, an Advocate(INFJ) is someone with the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging personality traits. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.

“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Once you are given your personality type it gives you a bunch of insights about your strengths & weaknesses, romantic relationships, friendships, parenthood, career paths, workplace habits, along with an introduction and conclusion about that specific personality. When I got through reading about mine I was surprised to find that all the information was very accurate from what I already know about myself, but I also learned how to better handle my situations, like what I need when I get burnt out or what I need out of my relationships with people.

While quarantining is proving to be a challenge in the mental health department, I will be using what I have gained from this information to help me get back on track to better days inside my head. I strongly recommend you take this test, it's free, quick, and can prove to be a wealth of information. Tell me what personality you got if you take this test, I would love to find out!



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