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2021 New Year's Resolutions

Well, 2020 did not go like many of us imagined it would when the new year came around. This has been one of the worst years for many of us in a long time, but thankfully it’s come to an end, and rather fast, I might add. So with this new year arriving once again, I will not be having any expectations for how this year will go. But what I will do is make some simple new year's resolutions like many of us do every year but never quite keep up with after three months in.

Last year my resolutions were: to read more, do more things by myself, get out more, and make more friends. As you could imagine, half of what I had wasn’t doable with covid being rampant in the country. However, I did manage to keep up with the goal of reading and making friends. Normally in a year, I read zero books, but in 2020 I read a total of five. As for making friends, I have gotten really close to several people who I am so proud to count among my best friends now. So while the entire year didn’t go as planned or even desired, I can’t say that every bit was awful.

Now that this new year is here, I thought I would talk about my 2021 resolutions. This year feels as if a lot of things are going to happen, but perhaps not as bad as the year that has passed. It feels like a shift is going to happen, one filled with personal growth and new opportunities, so in anticipation, I came up with four goals for this year.

New years Goals

1. Read 5 or more books.

Keeping up with last year, I want to continue my habit of reading. Five books was a big difference from my usual zero so that seems like a good place to start. Plus if I can top that, well that’s even better. Two ways I could encourage more reading is to read the same book with someone, as well as take notes along with my reading.

2. Drink more water.

While this doesn’t seem like a big one, it definitely is an important one. I am on a constant journey to find ways of improving my health (as much as I can anyway) so making the habit of drinking more water seems like a good place to start. I drink way more tea than water, and while I don’t plan on cutting out tea any time soon, I definitely should work on consuming more water. I’ve gotten a few new tumblers over the years and I think it’s a great way to make water more enjoyable to drink. Hopefully, that will help it become a steady habit.

3. Study spiritual topics.

I have always had a fascination with spiritual things such as tarot reading and astrology and certain witchcraft topics. So what better time to dive into some actual research about all of it with this new year. There are several books I want to read to get me started so this goal can help with my first one as well.

4. Work on my blog more consistently.

I definitely want to work on this blog more but with my health getting in the way sometimes it can get difficult. While I can’t make an upload schedule for myself because of unpredictable health reasons, I can try my best to post once a month and get back into posting on Instagram as well. To see those new posts you can find me on Insta with the name @morgculture. Some new followers would really help motivate me with making content.

Those are my 2021 goals and I’m happy that I made smaller goals for myself this year. It helps to make this feel more approachable and if this year doesn’t go as planned then it won’t be a huge letdown if one of these ideas doesn’t actually happen. I hope you are making some kind of goal for yourself and I’d love to hear what they are, so leave a comment if you’d like. Let’s keep each other accountable this year, and try to have a good one!

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