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Morg By The Week: 2021 Health Game Plan #1

Over the last few months, I’ve been going through some difficult health issues. For most of my life, I’ve dealt with ulcerative colitis and all the problems that come with that along with the complications of having my colon removed. But as of late, my health has been bothering me more often and the bad days are outweighing the good. I’ve been seeing some new doctors and the conclusion that we’ve all come to is that instead of ulcerative colitis, I’ve probably had Chron’s disease all this time, It can be very hard to tell the difference between the two, and for a long time, it’s as if my previous doctors didn’t want to make that change in diagnosis. I’m not really sure why, I know it can seem like bad news but I’d rather have the proper diagnosis so that I can receive the correct treatment instead of dealing with the numerous complications every single day.

Since I’m a very organized person and things only make more sense when they are written out in a list or something, I thought it would be helpful to make a game plan for my health goals. I want to find ways to keep up with some other smaller goals I have as well because I really want to focus on my overall wellness, not just my physical wellness.

There are three big picture things I really want to get a handle on,

  1. Taking my new Chron’s medication

    1. Get better health days out of it

    2. Better health will let me focus on the other areas of my life

  2. Acquire a better diet for better gut health

    1. Develop a better well-rounded diet

    2. Start taking the vitamins and supplements I need

  3. Start working out again and build some muscle definition

    1. Get more energy and be active instead of getting stuck in bed

    2. Feel great inside and out

As of last week, I have started the first dose of my medication. It will take about 3 months to start taking effect so in the meantime I can focus on some other smaller goals. I’d like to start journaling about my daily health both physical and emotional, just to keep track of any patterns I might find and identify what could make me feel better or worse. This could happen in the morning to help me plan my day out depending on how I feel and at the end of the day where I can record the foods I ate and how I’m feeling before bed. Also, I want more of a morning routine, something to encourage me to get out of bed more so doing some sort of meditation and stretching routine could help ease my mind and body out of bed and into the day. One more thing I think I could do is do some sort of brain exercise as well. Over the last few years, I’ve felt my mind slipping. It’s getting harder to read properly, my brain often feels like mush and I just feel like years of dealing with anxiety and depression have taken a toll on how my mind works. I’d like to get a grip on that again and start doing a brain training game or making the effort to learn new things to keep my mind active in a good way. These three things should be manageable while I’m waiting to see how my medication works, and hopefully, within the next few months, I can start to feel better about my health and start getting that grip on my life again.

I’m going to come back to this topic in a later post, so for now that is the first part of my 2021 health game plan and the first part of this weekly chatter series. I’m looking forward to keeping up with this and having a reason to post more often. If there are any topics you would like me to talk about, please leave me a comment on this post or on one of my socials that can be found here. If you would like to remain anonymous, you can send me an email and I will talk about your topic but without your name or @. But that is all for now, I hope you have a wonderful week and I’ll see you next Monday. Cheers Loves!



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