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Morg By The Week: Health Update

It’s been a while since I’ve made a little update about how I’ve been doing, so I thought that I’d do a little one now to have something to write about. For the past few months, I have been taking a bit of a break from creating. I had been feeling very uninspired and discouraged for a little while now, so I thought it would be a good idea to take a break. While on my break I did nothing at all except play games with friends and just take some time to relax without any responsibilities. It was a really nice break and I came out of it feeling much better, however now that I gave myself a break, my health has decided to take a dip. As I’m writing this, for the past week I’ve been having a lot of pain issues and I have to go through a string of doctor appointments to deal with it. So while I’m struggling to make content while dealing with this pain I’m trying my best to do what I can while laying in bed.

The most important thing for me to remember through all this though is that it’s ok for me to take it easy when going through pain. I hope that me talking about what it’s like to go through what I go through, from my thoughts and worries, too the actual physical aspects of it, helps those of you who may be going through similar issues. Even if you aren’t a spoonie like me, perhaps it can help raise awareness of what our lives are like and help end some of the nasty stigmas that revolves around being disabled.


For a while, I have been bothered by the fact that I don’t have a niche. I’m more of a jack of all trades but a master of none kinda person, but I was also told that that’s what people like about me. But I’ve been thinking that my niche is my perspective. A family friend had asked me recently how I’ve stayed so positive through everything in my life and to be honest, I’m not sure. It’s no doubt been hard but I don’t find that its helpful to dwell on the things that I can’t change. Of course, I have my bad days. Here and there they get to me, but I always manage to pick myself up and move forward. Things that have definitely helped though are talking about my experiences. Once I opened up with people and started talking and exchanging our perspectives, I’ve realized I’m not as alone in things as I once thought. Knowing that others feel the same and that I’m not alone in an experience really is a comforting feeling and since that, I’ve always tried my best to be transparent. Just in case it happens to help someone else with what they are going through.

After the past two years, I think we can all agree it’s been a rough time and I know a lot of us are struggling with our day to day lives and thing’s just haven’t been the same, I know for myself I have a harder time focusing on things, or even trying to get up in the morning but I just wanna say that it’s ok. We all go through seasons, and I think that all we can do is make the best of what we got. Try to make the best of each day and do what makes you happy, even if that means not doing much at all sometimes.

This may not have been a perfect post and really disjointed but thanks for reading this far if you have. I really just needed to write something to get my mind flowing again and it means a lot that I have people who support me in what I do even if I don’t get to do it all the time. Maybe I’ll have a more put-together post soon, but I think that I’ll leave this one here. I hope you have a lovely day and I’ll see you in my next one.


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