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Morg By The Week: Life Update

What a long and yet short year this has been. The past few years have really made the passage of time seem like this abstract idea with 2021 going by so fast yet still feeling like we are trapped in 2020. It’s almost time for another year to end and a new one to begin so I think it’s a good time to reflect on 2021 and use that to drive my goals for 2022.

One of the areas of my life that have been really up and down this year has been my health, which seems like the only topic I talk about lately but for good reason. Earlier this year I wrote about how I started taking Humira injections for my Chron’s disease, and I do have an update on that, but that will come in the form of another blog post more focused on that topic only later on. However, if you want to know more now, I have a Fanhouse account that you can sub to for $2 a month. While I struggle to be consistent with most of my content, I do daily health check-ins there on my public fanwall, and more of a variety on the private fanwall. There you can find sneak peeks to the content that I will later post here on my blog, and then some things that will be exclusive to Fanhouse only. I had debated a lot on whether or not I wanted to charge at all for seeing my content on there but have made the choice to go ahead and do it because, well why not? I’m not in it for the money so please don’t sub if you can’t / don’t want to but it would be much appreciated if you do. With that being said, A big focus for me is going to try to balance out making content and looking after my health, along with documenting the process of it all because I’m sure there are others in similar situations that would like some insight on what to do, so let’s figure this out together ya?

Even though there have been some very stressful moments, there have been some really good ones too. I have made a lot of new friends this year and all of them are amazing and I finally feel like I have a good group of people in my life who care about me. My anxiety might get in the way sometimes but I really hope to start building a good community around me. Not only have I made new friends but I’ve been seeing my amazing partner for a little bit now and despite it being very long distance, it is going very well. He makes me smile every day, he always listens to me when I need to talk or vent about something, he is incredibly supportive of my illness, and in everything I do (or try to do lol) it’s the first time where I’ve felt like I’m being treated like a person instead of just a toy that looks pretty. I feel respected, admired, appreciated, and even worshiped at times when he hypes me up. I am feeling very loved by those around me and it warms my heart to feel secure in this area of my life.

As of recently, I’ve been trying my best to get into a morning routine. I’ve always felt like my days would feel more productive even if the only thing I get to do is that routine. The hope is that I can learn what works best for me and once I have developed one, I’ll share in detail how I made it and how you can make one for yourself as well. A big issue I have with most of the advice out there is it doesn’t feel very doable for someone with disabilities. So my aim here is to help those like me in making a routine that works so that we can have at least a little normality when most of our days are unpredictable. There are a few different things I’m trying to do to help my productivity, but again I’ll talk about that more in a future blog post dedicated to the topic. I’ll also mention quickly that I’ve decided to change the name of my blog a little bit from Morg Culture to Morgue Culture, not a huge change but one I felt like making so bear with me while I make sure everything is changed over, although I will leave my URL the same so my past links can still work and so the URL isn’t any longer (not that a few letters will make a huge difference but I don’t want to go back and change all my past links lol)

As of my writing this, tomorrow is Thanksgiving for those of us in the United States and I wish everyone a good Thanksgiving and even if you don’t celebrate I hope you have a good Holiday season! I’ll probably post again within the next month but not within the next few weeks because I’ll just be focusing on my health like normal and my birthday is also coming up so I’m planning to do things with friends and family and that will occupy most of my time. Hoping to post another Morg by the week again soon though, but until then I wish you all a good one! See you in my next post Babes!


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