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Morg By The Week: Things Looking Up

It’s been a while since I’ve sat down and written anything for my blog so I thought I would sit down and do a little update about myself and give me a reason to post something. As I’ve written about before, I’ve been trying to get a handle on my health and making that my main priority until I’m able to function as close to a normal person as possible. I’m about 4 months into taking my new Chron’s medication and so far the results feel promising! The few days right after my shot tent do be my best health days out of a two-week period and now that it's past 3 months I’m starting to see a more constant difference in my overall flair-up pain. It’s less often and I’m in control of a few other things that are a bit TMI but with it being one of my biggest problems I’m so relieved that the medication is helping in that area. Hopefully, it continues to work even better the longer I take it.

I’ve also been instructed to start getting vitamin shots for the vitamins that I’m low on, mainly B12 and Iron, which very much explains my low energy. I’ve gotten one so far and many more in the months to come but I hope to see a difference in my overall health soon enough. The one area that I can never seem to get a hold on is my sleeping quality. No matter what I do, I never fall asleep easily and I have tried everything. I have a body pillow so it doesn’t feel like I’m sleeping alone, I have weighted blankets and a weighted stuffed animal, I take sleeping aid like Zquill or melatonin, which I have to switch up every few nights or my system gets too used to it and it no longer works. I have tried no screen time a few hours before I want to go to bed, I tried turning off all light sources (even the little off light from my TV and such). I have done sleep meditations and relaxing music and playing a video at a low volume just for the sound. White noise, deep breathing, everything. Nothing works. I think if I could just work out that part of my life I’d already feel so much better day today. But alas, I am cursed with being a night owl who has to function during the day because that’s how the world works.

In terms of creativity, I’ve been in a slump, unfortunately. I’m currently working on making my poems into graphics so they are easily sharable anywhere and trying to make my blog space here a one-stop for all of the content that I like to make. The amount of ideas I have is bountiful but getting them done is a whole other story. Half the time it’s because my health starts to put me in a low energy mood and I choose to rest rather than over-exert myself. Most of my frustrations however are coming from how often social media algorithms screw me over. I tried a little experiment where I posted one of my poems on its own with the appropriate hashtags, and one along with a picture of myself to see which one Twitter would actually put in my followers' feed. Unfortunately, Twitter prioritized the tweet with my picture in it, so that ends up making me posting my content pointless unless I post an attractive picture of myself with it every time. But the point is to showcase my content, not my looks.

I’m going to spend some time trying to figure out good marketing tactics that can work for me but until then I’m gonna avoid posting to my socials so that I don’t end up having to repost them all when I find something that works. Other than that I’m just gradually working on my little projects when I have the energy to do so, Hopefully, I’ll be able to post a couple of things soon.

I hope everyone has a good week and I’ll try to write again soon. Cheers!


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