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Morg By The Week: Why I Blog

For this post of Morg By The Week, I thought I would write about why I choose to do blogging as a hobby, the reasons why I like it, and how I do it. While this blog is only a year old now I had another one from a few years ago before I rebranded. So it has been something that I’ve done for about four years now and it’s probably the longest hobby I’ve ever kept. While I may not be the most consistent with it, it is the one thing I always come back to when I have that drive to be creative. But that is exactly the reason I made this series so that I can have something simple to upload every week.

So, why do I like blogging?

The simple answer to that question is that I’ve just found that blogging is the perfect medium for all of the things I like to do. I enjoy makeup and skincare, trying new products out, piecing outfits together, writing, photography, and just sharing my thoughts on stuff. In a blog, I can do all of those things in one place and it feels like I have my own nice little space on the internet.

The longer answer to that question is because I have always found blogs and such very helpful when I was younger. I grew up without my mother around and when your a girl entering her teenage years, there’s a lot of things you want to be explained. I had to learn to do makeup on my own, how to shave and anything else a mother usually teaches her daughter. Without my mother to ask, I turned to online blogs and articles relating to my questions. These days there are plenty of videos out there to help with that, but when I was younger the beauty community wasn’t as big as it is today, so there wasn’t always a video out there that had my answer.

Why choose to blog when you could youtube videos?

I get asked this a lot actually, and my answer for that is I hate youtube. Don’t get me wrong, I use it every day to watch videos, but as a content creator I really don’t like how YouTube works, They always seem to make things increasingly difficult and there is just a bunch of things that I don’t want to have to deal with. I don’t know how to edit videos and it isn’t a skill I wish to learn. I also can’t stand the sound of my own voice sometimes, so I feel like I’d never be happy with the content I put out, even if it was good. Here on my blog, I can take my time editing things just the way I want them plus writing feels better to me than making videos.

Where did I start out and what platforms have I used to create my blogs?

I started my first blog back in 2016 after I dropped out of college for health reasons. At the time the people in my life weren’t all that supportive of my decision to do so, I felt like I needed to do something that could potentially turn into a career, yet I wanted to make sure it was something I’d enjoy doing. Blogging was the first thing that came to mind so I started a WordPress blog that I had for about 3 years. WordPress is a great website builder but I found that there is a big learning curve that I didn’t want to tackle just yet. Plus you have to pay a web client for your own URL and that can get expensive. So when I rebranded last year I switched to Wix so I wouldn’t have to pay for a URL and have a simpler experience creating my website. I always have the option to pay for my own URL down the road if I ever want to as well. For now, however, since this is still just a hobby I don’t feel the need to pay for such things.

How long does it take me to write a post on average?

It really depends on what the post is. If it’s a review then it takes me anywhere from a few weeks to a month since I have to have time to test out the product and organize my thoughts on it. Plus with having to take my own pictures that really adds up the amount of work I have to do. If it's a simple post like this, maybe a few hours to a day or two. There’s minimal editing work that has to be done, It’s just come up with a topic, write it out, edit it and post it on my website.

Why do I make outfit layouts on my Instagram instead of wearing them myself?

The reason I do them this way is that I like to be inclusive in my work. I want anyone to be able to look at the outfits I make and be able to see themselves in it V.S. seeing me in them. We all have different bodies but they are all beautiful.

Those were all the questions I received for this post and I was happy to answer them all, I’ve really been enjoying working on these weekly posts so if there are any topics you’d like me to touch on then please go ahead and ask them. You can make a comment below or reach out to me here. I look forward to posting again next Monday and I hope you all have a lovely week. Cheers!



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