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The First of Many

While I struggled to think of what to do for my first post on this blog, I kept thinking to myself, what does this new start mean to me? I’m known to be honest, and I rarely sugarcoat things. So in that honesty; this year has been rough, as I’m sure many of you can agree. Little did I know, back in December as the new year was about to turn over, that this roaring 20’s would soon turn into the ever screaming 20’s. This new start to me is my way of staying positive. The beginning of this year may have been rough, but sometimes you need to brave the storm before it settles revealing a rainbow. Just because the beginning has been scary, doesn’t mean there won’t be something amazing waiting at the end, and what possibly could be the best times of my life. So I am pouring myself into this blog. It will be a part of me, some parts ugly, but every bit in its own way beautiful.

Last year for me was rough by every means. The passing of my grandmother and mother, spending the entirety of the year sick in bed waiting on a surgery, and taking a leap of faith and applying for disability. It was a challenging year, but I made it out, as I always do, and my faith in God was strengthened. I looked to the future of 2020 to be my best year yet, but sadly, it was met with more trials. I went through a breakup, I found that I owed an absurd amount of money in medical bills, and then this awful virus sweeps across the world making everything go to a standstill. I won’t say every part has been dreadful. I found true friends, my health is improving (as much as it can anyway), and I think a beautiful part of my life is about to start.

Positivity isn’t easy. It has taken me years to gain the knowledge I have now and there is so much more I can learn from this world with the experiences it will throw at me. But if there is any bit of advice I can pass on; it is that life will put us in circumstances that we may not be prepared for, but being happy or unhappy is a choice that you make. For me, I have chosen to make the best of what I got. If you look for the light you will often find it, but if you look for the darkness that is all you will see. So I urge you to make the best of your situation. None of it may be easy, but spread kindness wherever you can. Find the value of the things you do have, the relationships you’ve made, and maybe your life might not seem as dark as you’ve perceived.

We will all make it out of this together, and stronger than we were before. Just find what can be your torch to lead you through the darkness, and you will find your way. This will be the first of many posts for me, ranging in the variety of things that are my torches, and I hope to share them with you to give just a little bit of light in your life, as they provide light for me. If you are in need of conversation, advice, or just want to reach out, please feel free to do so below and I will respond as soon as possible.

See you in the next one,

- Morg




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