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Dear Diary: Life Update

Hey Fellow Bodies,

How are you doing today? It’s been a little while since I’ve last posted. To be honest, I've been struggling a bit with various things in my life. Not only am I trying to find a Crohn’s treatment that works and manage my anxiety: but also figure out myself and my creativity. I’ve been trying to put some self care back into myself and do the things I used to enjoy doing like reading more often and making sure I take care of my skin. Ever since I’ve gotten officially diagnosed with Crohn’s, everything has been about dealing with my disease and managing my symptoms. All of that leaves little energy, little spoons, to actually enjoy doing anything that isn’t the bare minimum. I’m slowly working through it, and I’m sure I’ll get to a stable place some day, but in the meantime, I’m making sure to take care of myself in whatever way that means.


While it has been a while since I last posted, and I’m known to post very inconsistently, there have been some changes happening. If you have been to my blog before, I’m sure you have noticed that there is a little difference to my site! I may have only created this blog during 2020 but I felt like the name wasn’t reflecting me properly, so I decided to rebrand it a bit and change the name from Morg Culture to Morgue Dweller Diaries. While this isn’t a huge change, it does have me excited to put some work back into writing blog articles again. Along with the name change, I have some other changes I want to make to really make my site my own.


During this time I’m really trying to figure myself out and what creative direction I want to go in. I’ve had moments where I thought maybe I should just end my blog, I’ve wondered what kind of content I want to make, or if I should just stop all together. I’ve come up with a middle ground solution where I just post things at my own pace without pressure. Part of being disabled is always feeling like I should be doing more with myself but often not having the energy to do very much. I put too much pressure on myself to be “productive” and “creative” but a big part of this process is redefining what those words mean to me. It is also hard following the advice of others because some tell you to “have a niche” and others say “having range is good”. While I see myself as a Jack of all Trades kinda person, I think it is time to really focus on a few different things instead of everything at once.


One of the things I’ve been wanting to get into is learning more about Tarot reading and Astrology and being able to use them in my own spiritual practices. A wide range of these topics interest me so I figured I would start with these two since I already know a little more than the average person but still have so much to learn. What it really is about for me is making my practice my own. It has been doing a lot to help me understand myself and the thing about tarot reading I’ve liked the most is that it helps me look at situations from a different perspective and look more inward on myself.


Another thing I have started recently is something called The Creative Corpses’ Club. This is a club I have started where people can come together once a week and use this time to be “productive” and “creative” in whatever way that means for you. It is held in my Discord server (links can be found on the side menu and all my social bars) once a week, mainly being Tuesdays at 12pm EST, but days and times can change when need be. The reason I started this club is because I usually find it hard to work on things unless I have several distractions, like 2 video’s playing along with music in the background (I don’t have a problem, you have a problem). I know there are others that feel the same way and would like to have company while doing things so I started this club! It is open to most creative outlets as long as the content is SFW (Safe For Work) and it is a LGBTQIA2S+ friendly space. The club as a whole is still a huge work in progress so I’m open to ideas and ways to improve it. I have some ideas already and I’m looking forward to running these meets and meeting new people. If you want any more information, Follow my Twitter @MorgueDweller and join my Discord server Morgue’s Dwelling, that is where I post the most about the club.


In terms of an update on my health, I have started a new Crohn’s medication but have only had the first dose so far. It’s a little early to tell if this one is going to work for me but considering I haven’t had any flair ups since starting it, I’d say that gives me hope. I’m just hoping I don’t become allergic to this one several doses in like with the last one. On the bright side, since I’ve been feeling better on a daily basis I’ve been able to start working out again. It’s only been here and there but I’ll take that over nothing at all.

That’s everything that’s been going on with me lately, I just wanted to write this update to help me get back into the groove of writing more regularly, I may not post all the time but I always have a bunch of drafts of stuff I want to post in the future but never end up sitting down to write all that often. Now that I have the Creative Corpses’ Club I make more time to sit down and work on things so I hope that this helps me post more often as well even if I’m not sticking to a schedule. I’ll catch you all later and see you in my next post!



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