I can hear is my voice that isn't mine. Echoing through my head.
"You're not good enough,
You are forgettable,
You are unwanted,
You're a failure,
You should be dead."
Ringing over and over.
I fight them every day.
Fighting back tears.
'That's not true,
A few do care,
My life isn't over yet,
I still have time.'
Forcing myself to say what I don't quite feel.
"Lies" she says.
That evil little voice inside.
Nagging and nagging.
"I know you better than anyone,
And from the beginning, you've never belonged,
You're not wanted,
You're not needed,
You are not loved."
The voice outweighs all others I may hear.
Because I hear her every day.
And others are occasional.
No one else gives me their time.
But she is there every. single. day.
The only one who pays attention.
But I do not want her.
I would rather feel nothing at all,
Then feel her echoes in my head.